When you’re spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on marketing every month, you can expect to get at least some new patients in the door. But if you’re not getting new patients, you might start to wonder if you’re just wasting your money on marketing. When you trust your money in the hands of a marketing professional, your money shouldn’t be used for trial and error. It should be used for results.
If you’re not getting the results you want, look for these signs that you’re wasting your money on marketing.

1. The Wrong Types of Patients are Contacting You
You explicitly told your marketing team that you wanted more cosmetic dentistry patients, so why are you getting phone calls from new patients who only want dental cleanings? If your marketing company isn’t targeting the right audience, you’re wasting money on marketing.
2. You’re Not Getting New Patients
On the other hand, maybe your phone lines have been radio silent for weeks on end. If you’re spending money on marketing, you should be getting at least some new patients—even if they’re the wrong types of patients. Some marketing strategies require at least a few months to propagate before you start to see results. However, if you’ve been working with the same company for half a year and there hasn’t been an increase in new patients, this is a red flag.
3. There’s No Way To Track Results
Your marketing results should be transparent—no excuses. If you have no idea what’s going on with your marketing strategy or the results it’s produced, this is another red flag. When your marketing company doesn’t provide this information, they’re keeping it private for a reason—they don’t have the results you’re looking for. You should have a way to track your results at every stage of your dental marketing strategy.
4. Your Website Traffic Hasn’t Increased
Anyone can hop onto their Google analytics account to view their website traffic. If you start working with a new marketing company and part of your marketing strategy is SEO, PPC, or anything with the purpose of driving traffic to your website, you should see an uptick in website traffic. If your traffic looks the same as it did before you started working with this company, it’s a clear sign that you’re wasting your money.
5. Your Strategy Lacks Consistency
If you’re paying for social media management or blogging and there isn’t a consistent schedule, what are you paying for? Consistency is essential to any effective marketing strategy. Your marketing company should follow a content calendar to stay on track at all times.
6. There is No Strategy
The last sign you’re wasting money on marketing is if there is no strategy. Your marketing company should be able to tell you what your marketing plan includes, goals you want to reach, and so on. If you’re just paying them for marketing and don’t know anything aside from that, you’re wasting money.
Contact Pro Impressions Marketing To Stop Wasting Money on Marketing That Doesn’t Work
At Pro Impressions Marketing, we hate to see dentists wasting their money and time on marketing that doesn’t work. We’ve worked with dentists for over a decade and don’t ever waste our client’s money on trial and error. We know exactly what marketing strategies work and don’t work for dentists. Additionally, with our online marketing portal, you can track the results of your campaigns at all times. Your designated account manager will also walk you through your strategy and results, and keep in touch with you on a regular basis.
When you work with our dental marketing company, you don’t have to worry about wasting your time or money. The majority of our clients have been with us for years, and some, since the birth of our company, and it’s for one simple reason—they get results.
We offer several solutions to help you stop wasting time and money on marketing. Our online marketing portal can help you track your current marketing campaigns so you can hold your current marketing company accountable for your results.
If you’re ready to break up with your dental marketing company, you can book a consultation with our team to determine which of our marketing packages for dentists will benefit your practice the most and help you achieve your goals. In the process, we can also design you a new website, or take your social media to the next level with social media management for dentists.
Contact us at (970) 672-1212 today to schedule a consultation.