working at home on laptop

If you don’t want to blog about something or share on social media, you need to ask yourself if it belongs on your website.

Visitors to your website, including Google’s Bot, want to know what your practice is all about. If something doesn’t merit mention in your blog occasionally, and you don’t want to ‘distract’ your social media audience by posting about a topic that is so mundane and unprofitable for your practice, consider eliminating it from your website.

In doing so, you will:

  • Eliminate wasted resources devoted to SEO, server space and processing power, internal linking structure, and more.
  • Clarify your message about what you are great at and why people should choose you
  • Increase your overall keyword structure’s focus on the topics that really matter to your office.
  • Clarify the strategic objectives for your marketing team

Some potential targets for elimination on your dental website might be:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Root canal therapy
  • Scant technology pages with manufacturer-supplied text
  • Outdated smile gallery pages and images
  • Niche procedures you no longer offer or rarely recommend

You might say, “Yeah, but…”

  • We technically offer these things.
  • We don’t want people to think we can’t do these things.
  • We will see the patient but refer out that treatment.
  • Isn’t more better?

As Ludwig Van der Moer said, “Less is more.” So, no, more isn’t better. Better is better. Focus your content, social media, blogging, etc on the things you are the BEST at. This will eliminate looky-loos who land on your website but aren’t ideal patients for you.

Sure, you offer these things and will leverage those dental procedures and technology when appropriate. You can talk to patients about things that aren’t on your website.

If you just don’t want to take those items off your website, include them more in your marketing so that they can really work for you. Otherwise, you shouldn’t have them on your website.

Need help evaluating your website? Use our free marketing report tool here to analyze how things are going, then contact us for help in going over your results.


Check out this video by Google about crawl budget, crawl demand, and other advanced concepts. A healthy dental website should be fast and pruned to include only the most important content.