Occasionally, a dentist will ask us to promote their brand new website because their design company doesn’t offer marketing services. We conduct an analysis of their website and goals and have to be the bearer of bad news: this website is going to be a hindrance to any marketing campaign because it was built using outdated techniques. We end up having to start by rebuilding the website right after the dentist had invested in the new website with the other company. Ouch!

Dentists often struggle to stay on top of the latest trends in marketing in general, and when it comes to the latest in technology for marketing on the internet, it’s unrealistic to expect dentists to keep up. When looking for a marketing company, you need to partner with a marketing team that understands technology is important at every level.

Co-workers going over reports

You Shouldn’t Have to Be a Marketing Expert

Marketing is fun and you need to understand the fundamentals of how to build a digital marketing plan for your practice, but you shouldn’t spend time trying to be a marketing expert. You need to develop a relationship with a marketing expert you can trust. This marketing expert should have a team behind them that incorporates technical expertise alongside creativity and strategy.

Pro Impressions is keeping their clients ahead of the game when it comes to the latest changes in how Google views websites. We are able to do this because we have a development team that works closely with our design and search marketing teams. Notice that we’re talking about teams within a team. We succeed through specialization AND collaboration. You can’t be expected to know it all and if you try, you’ll likely fall behind.

Why Technology Makes a Difference

The internet is made of innumerable websites based on many different technologies. These technologies change and multiply over time. When you look at some of the oldest websites on the internet, they look hilariously outdated, but there are plenty of websites that are actually just as old but don’t look outdated because they have been redesigned and rebuilt again and again over the years.

woman's hands typing on a laptop

As new devices became capable of reading and displaying the internet such as mobile phones, tablet computers, and voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, websites built with older tech have struggled to stay relevant. Google has greatly influenced this evolution as they have instituted policies for how they will evaluate websites. If Google doesn’t like how your website runs for its algorithm or that your website is slow for Google users, your online visibility will suffer. You need to work with a website design company that understands why technology is important.

How to Know You Found a High-Tech Dental Marketing Company

You need a marketing company that understands that technology is important but if you’re not an expert in marketing, how can you know if the company you’re working with is staying current? Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. When was the last time I heard from my marketing company?
  2. When was the last time I updated my website?
  3. If I feel like my website might need an update, why hasn’t the website marketing company already approached me about it?
  4. When I look at other websites built by the same company, do they look new or kind of dated?
  5. What do the company’s other clients say about working with the company? Are they happy or considering a change too?
  6. How does my website measure up against other dentists in my area?

We’d be happy to help you with #6 there. We have technology that helps us measure your website’s technical performance against that of your competitors. Your dental marketing company should already be doing this and should contact you if your website is starting to fall behind other dentists in your area. We’d love to share our findings with you and make a recommendation on how to move forward, even if that recommendation is to stay with your current dental marketing provider.

You need a dental marketing company that understands the importance of technology. You need new patients and your patients need you. If we can help make that connection, call us at (970) 672-1212 or schedule a consultation online now.