Transcript of Episode:
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Hello, and welcome to marketing chair side. I am so excited to be joined today with Dr. Pamela Marzban.
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
Hello everyone.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Hello, hello.
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
Oh, I’m great.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
We are excited to talk about your sleep panel discussion that you were moderating. I was picturing dentists getting out of control and you having to regulate because they’re just going crazy.
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
There will be a lot [inaudible 00:00:40].
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Who is this panel discussion for?
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
I am super excited about our panel discussion as well. This panel discussion is a general session meeting. That means everyone’s invited. We want the doctors to be there. We want the team to be there because it is truly for the team and doctors. This is for anybody that does neuromuscular dentistry or is interested in it, but it’s truly about sleep. It’s not so much about occlusal philosophy and talking about TMD. That’s not in it at all. It is just all about sleep and how different people are successful at treating patients.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Awesome. Can you tell me about some of the issues that some of these dentists, maybe give us a little teaser on some of the questions you’re going to ask so that they can know, “Oh, I have that problem and they’re going to help me solve it.”
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
Jonathan. I can’t give away all my goodies.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Oh, come on. Just a little bit.
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
Let me start by saying that first thing we have five incredible different dentists joining us. We have Jeff Horowitz. We have Bill Hang. We have Jeff Haddad. We have Kent Smith and we have Dr. Nicole Chenet. Now, if you guys know your doctors in the area and you guys are familiar with these experts, they have completely different philosophies. So again, it’s not about occlusion, it’s about sleep and all of these doctors treat predominantly sleep in their practice and they’re super successful.
The questions that I’ll be targeting towards them is why did you get into sleep to begin with? Why is this important to you? What kind of business models do you have? What kind of clinical success are you getting? Is this successful business wise? Who are you collaborating with? What devices are you using? How is the team managing it and what are their roles in the whole process? Medical billing, and what’s your follow-up protocol, successes, failures, just all around what’s working for you. Because as dentists, we see our patients more than the medical profession does, and we screen the oral environment all the time. And the ADA has even asked us and has quoted that this is our responsibility to look for… Hold on. I think my Siri just popped up. To look for and be the first to diagnose sleep. So whether people treat sleep or not, or maybe a doctor is curious and wants to know how to begin, or for those of us who’ve been treating sleep for a long time, this is what this panel’s about. It’s like a big collaboration of minds to see what’s working in their offices and what’s not.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Man. I hope the International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics leadership has a cleanup crew standing by because I think you’re going to just blow some dentist minds and they’re like, “I can’t keep it all in here.” That sounds amazing.
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
What’s cool about these speakers is that they’re exciting. They’re fun and they’re real. So it’s going to feel more like comradery, like friends talking about what’s going on. So even if you don’t get it all in, that’s okay. Most of these panel speakers will also be speaking throughout the conference. So you can talk to them, ask questions afterwards. They’re super approachable people. I’ve heard all of them speak. That’s why they’re invited. They are great dentists and good people.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
I mean, I think that’s one of the great things about this meeting. I was talking with Tracy Abel and she was talking about the collaboration, the community, just helping one another. And it sounds like this is just going to be an extension of that.
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
That’s what we’re hoping for is just put away occlusal philosophies and let’s focus on sleep disorder breathing because Jonathan, I mean, right now they estimate that people in the world, worldwide, one-seventh of the population suffers from some type of sleep disorder breathing. And I want you to keep in mind that if they’re saying one-seventh, those are maybe one-seventh of the people who were diagnosed or had access to be diagnosed correctly. It doesn’t include all the people that truly suffer. So it is a true pandemic and sadly, it’s not going to be one that will be corrected, not in my lifetime anyway, but if we can get all of dentistry pulling together and at least diagnose for, say, there may be a problem here. Let’s just get a simple sleep test. Whether you want to treat that patient or not, that’s what it’s about. Let’s help more people.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Absolutely. And I think the one thing that we just need to make sure everyone knows is when is this panel? How can people come to check it out?
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
That’s something I definitely don’t want to keep a secret because I want to invite everybody listening to come to Louisville. This is a general session, so everybody’s invited. It is at 8:00 AM on Saturday. We are celebrating our conference October 13th through the 15th, so Saturday’s the last day. Make sure you stay for that and bring your team. Even if you’re tired from the night before, because we do have fun at our conference, get your butts there. I want to see you there.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
That’s right. Not too much Kentucky bourbon, we’re here to learn, dang it.
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
That’s right.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Well, Pam, thank you so much for coming on the show. It’s been a pleasure. Yeah, I’m going to invent some other reason to have you back because you’re just one cool cat.
Jonathan Fashbaugh:
Thanks Jonathan. It’s always great to see you and talk with you. You are amazing.
Dr. Pamela Marzban:
Thank you. And if you’re watching, thanks for watching. Be sure to go to to register for the event. We’re going to be there. We’re actually platinum sponsors because we believe so much in what ICCMO is doing and you owe it to yourself no matter what walk in dentistry you are in, wherever you are on your journey, to be there and absorb everything with us. And if you enjoyed this show, please like, surprise… Surprise? You can surprise us too. Comment and do all that great social stuff, please, to help us get the word out, because we are just about gearing up dentists just like you. And until next time, I’ll see you around.