In 2020, we explained how we are keeping our clients’ websites ahead of the game. We have not let up on that effort. We continue to innovate how our server and website development techniques keep our websites faster than the competition. Without these strategies, the user experience and Google’s value of your website would suffer. Here’s what we are doing.

We Make Regular Server Upgrades

Part of using our client’s investment in their marketing responsibly means that we don’t do things on the cheap just to save some money. We invest in the best server technology, helping prospective patients focus more on the website itself and not even notice how long it took to load. Convenience is critical to our success, and that means speed and reliability.

Reliability also means security. We regularly upgrade our server’s hardware and software to be as secure as it is fast. We do this at the server level as well as the website level so that your website stays hack-free, too.

Not sure about the difference between a server and a website? We’ve got you covered:

JF and Jared

We Are Reducing Unnecessary Code

Every piece of computer code required to bring your practice to life on a prospective patient’s phone or computer takes time. It takes time for the server to locate the code. Then it takes time to transfer that code to the user’s device. Then it takes time for the device to load the code on the screen. Then, when the user interacts with the code, the whole process runs again in reverse based on the user’s action; across the internet, back to the server, and the cycle repeats—hopefully.

The longer it takes for a website to load, the more likely it is that the user will leave before contacting your office. If Pro Impressions built your website, we did it with this knowledge in mind. Over the years, we have identified ways to do more with less code.

By streamlining code and completely removing unnecessary code, we are making our websites faster than ever.

What You Can Do: Minimize External Widgets

You can think of external widgets (code) as extra things your website has to do before it’s done loading.

Imagine that you need to run to the store to grab a few missing ingredients for dinner. You’re having guests over in a couple of hours, and you have plenty of time to get the missing ingredients, get back, cook dinner, and welcome your guests.

You say, “Honey, I’m running out for a few minutes.”

“Where are you going?” Honey says.

“I’ve got to get the parsley, sage, and rosemary for dinner,” you say.

“Can you pick up my prescription while you’re out?” Honey asks.

“Sure, Honey.”

Then, on your way to the drug store, before you go to the grocery store, your son calls. Honey was supposed to pick him up an hour ago, he says. The school counselor won’t let him walk home, and Honey asked if you could pick him up while you’re out.

“Of course!” you say, but now you’re feeling stressed.

You get to the school. There’s a long line of parents picking up kids from after-school activities.

You get to the drug store. There’s a line.

You get to the grocery store check-out. There’s a line.

You get home and realize that you needed Thyme for the recipe too. And that’s when the doorbell rings. You’re out of time.

Those extra stops and waits made you miss your goal in this story. External widgets work the same way.

External code slows down your website and can make you miss your goal for new patient acquisition. Every little bit of code required from a third-party means a trip from the prospective patient’s device to a separate web server—different from where your website lives.

If that server is slow or broken, your website looks slow or broken. Not good.

Of course, companies tell you that their widget is designed to increase new patient acquisition. You’ve got to have the latest in virtual consult technology, or accessibility, or a new badge for a membership, or a new chat or social media function. The extra code is all in addition to the code needed to bring up your name, phone number, and information the patient wants.

When it comes to widgets on a dental website, the K.I.S.S. principle very much applies. So, call Son an Uber. Ask Honey if the prescription can wait until tomorrow, and look critically at the recipe to see if you can make do with the salt, pepper, and garlic you have on hand.

We continue to work on keeping your website fast and secure. Together, we can turn more visitors into new patient leads for your practice.